Adhocracy 2024: Power Botany

Solomon Frank

Artist/eligible bachelor Solomon Frank is botanical guide and facilitator for regular walks through suburban fringe bushland in and around Eora/Sydney. Solomon started this queer bushwalking club for two reasons  

(1) to explore the often-overlooked pockets of surprisingly biodiverse bushland wedged between suburbs  
(2) to find a husband.  

He is coming to Yartapuulti/Port Adelaide for a special one-afternoon stand of Power Botany.

Access information: The path is approximately 4km and will take two hours. We advise that participants wear suitable shoes and weather appropriate attire. The route will be suitable for wheelchair users.

Saturday 7 September, 3pm-5pm
Outside, meet at Waterside Workers Hall
11 Nile Street
Port Adelaide
SA 5015
Kaurna Yerta
Solomon Frank
Tickets are no longer available for this event.